
Access Pass

Griffain is currently invite-only and requires purchasing access pass to join.

All purchases made to get access to Griffain are non-refundable. This includes but is not limited to:


Transactions signed & sent by Griffain agents are subject a base + variable fee:

  • 0.0015 SOL per transaction
    • +1% of SOL amount for transactions involving a trade


Griffain agents have access to the following services that are subject to an additional surcharge.

These services are charged in advance. For example, if you post a tweet with your agent, you will be charged 0.25 SOL covering your next 250 tweets. On your 251st tweet, you will be charged 0.25 SOL covering your next 250 tweets.


0.25 SOL every 250 tweets, charged after your first tweet


0.1 SOL every 100 emails, charged after your first email

Image Generation & Uploads

0.1 SOL every 100 generated image, charged after your first generated image

Generated images are updated to permastorage. Agents manage their own Arweave account to upload generated images to Arweave. This involves a small amount of SOL to upload generated images to Arweave.