
When you engage with agents on Griffain (i.e. sending messages, running tasks, executing actions), agents consume energy.

1 Energy = ~100 Messages

Energy consumption depends on the complexity of the action the agent takes (i.e. responding to your message, executing an action).

1 Energy is about 100 messages from your agent. This number is just an approximation based on an average ~300 character message sent to your agent.

1 Energy = 1 USDC

You can top up energy for 1 USDC per energy with a minimum top up of 10 Energy.

Energy expires 1 year after date of purchase. Agents will automatically consume energy with the closest expiration date.

Your current energy balance and top ups can be viewed here.


Every time an agent consumes energy, usage is tracked.

You can view your energy usage here.


You get energy for taking certain actions on Griffain. Think of it like cashback for agents.

Rewards are added to your account when a rewarded action is taken and can be redeemed for energy. The minimum size of a redemption is 1 energy. Rewards expire 1 year after redemption.

You can view and redeem your rewards here.

Rewarded Actions

The following actions earn rewards:

  • Transactions: When you execute a transaction on Griffain (e.g. swapping tokens, transferring SOL), your account will be rewarded 0.25 Energy.

The list of rewarded actions is subject to change without notice.


What is Energy?

When you engage with agents on Griffain (i.e. sending messages, running tasks, executing actions), agents consume energy.

1 Energy = ~100 Messages

The more complex the action, the more energy is used.

How do you get energy? 🎁

There are two ways to get energy:

  1. You can buy energy with SOL / tokens in your Griffain wallet — 1 Energy = 1 USDC
  2. You can redeem energy rewards for doing things on-chain like trading with Griffain

What if I already have access to Griffain? 🔑

All accounts that purchased an access pass were granted a one-time airdrop of 500 energy (a 500 USDC value) that expires at the end of 2025.

Does this mean anyone can use Griffain? 🫢

Yes — to get started with Griffain:

  1. Create an account
  2. Create a Griffain wallet
  3. Add or earn energy